Cable Beach Broome
Hello everyone from sunny Broome. I hadn’t intended to write a blog for this short eight-week holiday but so much has happened and we wanted to share our misadventures with you once again. As a point of interest our last blog was October 2018 and overall we have had over 18,000 views. Wow! Who knew my ramblings were so interesting? People may not be generally interested but while Googling a place name, blogs pop up regarding that place hence the number of views so I wont get too excited about winning the Pulitzer Prize just yet.
Our much-anticipated trip got off to a shaky start as the lock on the door of our caravan needed replacing and the part had to come from Queensland. Despite being ordered two weeks before our departure date it failed to arrive and we had to leave with a small improvised padlock on the outside and a little flip lock on the inside. We were very grateful to our friend Chris from our caravan club who installed them for us. Along with metres and metres of duct tape they were our only means of security on the over 2,000 km trip to Broome. We were literally flying on a wing and a prayer but arrived without incident despite many curious looks as we peeled back the tape every time we wanted to get in the van. We left a day late and got the call from the caravan repair guy at Muchea to say that the lock had arrived that morning. Typical! Too little, too late. We were not happy so he flew the part to Broome by express post and it was waiting for us at reception at the caravan park when we arrived. It cost $246 to have it installed but was well worth it as we are now safe and sound in our Cubby de Wheels MK II.
The trip up was uneventful and we had stops in Geraldton, Carnarvon, Robe River, Port Hedland and two nights at 80 mile and then into Broome. We free camped most of the way and had a great catch-up with my brother Gary and his friend Chris at the racetrack in Port Hedland. Lots of laughs, beers and a barbie. No fish as the boys had no luck and were a bit disappointed. We camped at the racetrack last year and it was chocker block but this year we had it to ourselves. The lack of Eastern staters was to blame but the amount of caravans on the road was amazing. We were surprised to see so many vans heading south. Must like the cold weather.
We love holidaying in Broome because of the weather, beach and cruisie vibe but the main attraction is our daughter Kelly who lives here. It is a fantastic time to hang out with her and our ‘adopted’ daughter Grace. We have had lovely beach time with them, meals and long chats. It has been wonderful. A highlight was a trip to Willie Creek to celebrate Grace’s Birthday.
Willie Creek Pearl Farm
We are very pleased to report that Kell’s health is very good. Her MS symptoms only flare up when she is under stress so Covid has been a blessing as she is hunkered down at home writing, meditating and doing yoga. Long beach walks along Cable Beach are also very beneficial. I am sleeping so much better now that I can see with my own eyes how well she looks. Such a relief. Due to Kell's aversion to social media I can't publish a photo of her but she looks fantastic.
Both girls are still very heavily involved in the community garden at PCYC and GK and I have been giving them a hand with watering, weeding, pruning and setting up their fertilizing system. We helped set up the garden three years ago and can’t believe how much it has grown. The reward for our efforts is fresh, organically grown veggies. No complaints here. Yum.
We stayed at RAC Cable Beach Holiday Resort last year and are on the same site this year. I was sitting on our 'patio' one morning when a van backed in next to us. It is always a fraught time maneuvering into tight spots but Rob, who I was soon to meet, did it with ease. We struck up a conversation and I met his lovely wife Robyn. We all hit it off and decided to spend Happy Hour together the next night. When Robyn was talking I had a feeling of déjà vu come over me. I asked her what her maiden name was and sure enough I was right. Robyn is my second cousin and we haven’t seen each other for over fifty-eight years! Our mums were cousins and great friends as well. Such a small world!
Robyn has done a family tree, which includes lots of rattling skeletons. We can’t wait to catch up back in Perth to go over it with my brother and sisters. Robyn is an only child and unfortunately Auntie Joy passed away in February so we can’t ask all the questions we still have about the family. Mum is 96 and has Alzheimer’s so is no help either. We wish we had paid more attention to their stories. By the way, Robyn is a world-renowned artist and her work is displayed in all the major buildings and hospitals around Perth and she has done commissions all over the world. Check out her website at That’s my cuz! I am so proud of her.
Our great mates, Ron and Marg Clegg (also known as the Calamity Cleggers – with good reason) arrived in town and stayed at Margie’s girlfriend Robyn’s house. We had several great catch-ups over the two weeks that they were here including a couple of non-eventful fishing expeditions, sunset drinks and a very enjoyable ‘girls only’ night at Robbie’s. Marg and I are going to go on the straight and narrow when we return to Perth, which will include lots of alcohol-free days and less food and nibblies. Famous last words. Watch this space.
We spent a very enjoyable evening at the Diver’s Tavern with fellow Sandgroper Caravan Club members, Di and Robin Ashford and Deb and Jerry Churchin. Both couples were holidaying in Broome for different lengths of time so it was great we could find a night to share a meal and a lot of laughs. We also caught up with both couples for sunset drinks at Gantheume Point where you can park your car on the beach and watch the glorious Kimberley sunsets. Magic.
Last year we travelled up to Cape Leveque along the very dusty and corrugated dirt track and vowed never to return despite the stunning scenery when we got there. After watching Backroads and seeing the spectacular Waterfall Reef we were tempted to try again. Fellow campers who had returned from the Cape assured us the road was a lot better as it is graded frequently and they are working on bituminizing many kilometres of it. We bit the bullet and booked the reef cruise and a night’s accommodation 'glamping' at the very popular Cygnet Bay Pearl Farm. Our plan was to arrive around lunchtime the day before the cruise, have a swim in the infinity pool followed by a romantic dinner at the restaurant.
Things were going to plan and we were not too disappointed with our glamour tent on the edge of the mangroves overlooking the ocean. That is until GK checked our en suite (did I mention it was glamping) and found a six feet long tree snake coiled up in our shower recess. I didn’t believe him at first but when he started ringing reception I realized we had a dilemma on our hands. The resident snake catcher was dispatched but by the time he arrived the snake had disappeared. We felt foolish and thought he probably didn’t believe us as they said they had never had this ‘problem’ before.
We assured him that there had definitely been a snake so he climbed on the coffee table and a chair to get access to the bathroom ceiling. Sure enough there is was coiled up between the ceiling and canvas roof. He expertly caught it with his snake tongs but dropped it putting in the snake bin. Much tap dancing ensued by GK who stayed in the room to photograph it while I was on the outside with the zipper of the tent firmly shut. The snake was quickly retrieved from under the bed and safely returned to the bin to be transported 5kms away to a waterhole. Good riddance.
The lovely girls at reception were very apologetic and we were very grateful of their offer of refunding half of our accommodation costs and a bottle of wine with dinner. That is until – thud – another snake dropped from the bathroom ceiling and slithered out a hole in the canvas. Back to reception and the snake catcher. Again the snake had disappeared but our new best friend, the snake catcher, found it trying to re enter our tent through a gap where the stitching had come undone.
Despite trying to seal the hole with every caravanners ‘go to’ companion, a roll of duct tape, it was not to be. We asked (begged!) for a change of accommodation but everything was completely booked out. There was only one other option – I was going to sleep in the car. GK could tell after 49 years of marriage that I was not going to change my mind and requested some more pillows so I could fashion a bed of some sort in the back of the Pajero.
Within ten minutes of this development, the girls at reception rang to say that we were going to be upgraded at no cost to the Master Pearler’s Private Retreat. It needed cleaning as it had been used the night before but they would do that while we were dining at the restaurant. At $950 per night we were perfectly happy to accept their offer and had a lovely, if not romantic night as I was still traumatized by the day’s events. That was my excuse and I am sticking to it. Tee hee.
Our upgrade. This is more my style!
All was soon forgotten the next day as we ventured out to the incredible Waterfall Reef. The swell was up to two metres at times so it was not for the faint hearted but the ride was exhilarating. Despite the wet weather gear and life jackets we were soaked from head to toe but had lots of fun and the Aussie banter on the boat was hilarious. The reef has to be seen to be believed and is one of the most spectacular sights we have ever seen. We thoroughly recommend it. Sensational!
Waterfall Reef. Amazing!
Kell and Grace met us for lunch back at the Cygnet Bay restaurant where our reputations preceded us and we were known as the ‘snake people’. We can now see the funny side of it but my glamping days, or should I say day, was short and sweet. The girls were travelling to Kooljaman to camp the night in their swags and we headed back to Broome. The road had just been graded and despite the wet red mud that spattered the car it was an easy drive back and we were lucky to be one of the first to drive on a newly opened 15 km section of the new road. Our luck was on the turn!
It is hard to believe we have been in Broome four weeks. The days seem to merge into each other as we people watch on Cable Beach, lounge by the pool, read, shop and eat and drink. Catching up with old and new friends is always a highlight as everyone is so relaxed and chilled on ‘Broome Time’. We have already booked for the same time next year and hope to do all the things we ran out of time for this year. We had a lovely catchup with Bronwyn Cooke at the Divers as we do every year. Same time next year, Bron!
We are looking forward to two days at Coral Bay on our way home with our friends from our caravan club and hopefully a night with Geoff and Trish at Kalbarri if we can get into a caravan park. The word is everything is booked out all the way up the coast as everyone is travelling in their own state as they can’t cross the borders or go overseas. Business in booming in Broome after a rocky start to the Dry season and we are doing our bit to support the local economy and having a ball doing it. Keep safe everyone and hope to catch up with you very soon. Lots of love xxx.